Wednesday, December 2, 2009

live life to the fullest! ^^

entah kenapa, sy terpanggil nak tulis entry yg ini. sesungguhnya sy mensyukuri nikmat Allah SWT. i really appreciate my life [even tho sometimes sy merungut but then realized that i am lucky being me..]. being a wife [love is forever and that's what you mean to me my dear!] being a mother [you’re the best thing ever happen to me darL!] being a daughter, being a worker.. life is sooo wonderfullll ~! “when loving someone never regret what you do. only regret what you didn't do..” ;) being in love is a wonderful feeling, but being loved and appreciated in return can be the most wonderful experience that can happen to your life. you don't need money or luxuries to fulfill your dreams, it’s the people around you. and how much faith you have in you. never make a mistake and think your life is over, just step all over that problem and continue walking on the rainbow..

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